A Dignity Restoring, Enviromentally friendly, Cost Saving Alternative to Adult Disposable Nappies
Urinary incontinence is a medical condition and set of diseases that affects between 4% and 8% of the population or the lives of almost 400 million people worldwide. Despite the high prevalence and the social and economic implications of the condition, incontinence is not a priority in the health and social policy agenda worldwide.
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control and is a common and often embarrassing problem.
Not all incontinence is the same. There are different causes and it affects both genders and all ages. Urinary incontinence refers to involuntary urine leakage and the extent of the leakage can vary due to different circumstances, types, frequencies and severities.
The four main types of incontinence you get are:
Stress incontinence. (otherwise known as the Sneeze-pee) is when urine leaks when you exert pressure on your bladder by coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy
Urge incontinence is when you have a sudden intense urge to urinate followed by an involuntary loss of urine. You may need to urinate often and his type may be caused by infections or more severe types of neurological disorders or even diabetes.
Functional incontinence is when you have a physical impairment which keeps you from making it to the toilet on time. For example if you have severe arthritis and you cannot unbutton your pants in time.
Mixed incontinence is when you experience more than one type of incontinence.
The large demographic of people living with incontinence includes baby boomers, moms who have had multiple pregnancies, active seniors as well as people with health issues such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, strokes, epilepsy or bladder, urinary tract or pelvic cancers.
Despite the fact that there are an estimated 400 million people worldwide that are living with some type of urinary incontinence, this sensitive subject is not something most people are comfortable talking about. Which is unfortunate given its prevalence, since because it is a taboo topic during most conversations, most people are ignorant about the available solutions. Even sadder is the fact that people who are unaware of their options simply turn towards disposable adult nappies, thinking that this is the only solution. Adult diapers have their uses, but for most people who still lead active lives they feel as if they have no other options. But it is an option that results in feelings of shame and discomfort and a loss of dignity.
They are also a costly solution in both Rands and to the environment.
Since the average wearer uses approximately 1,100 to 1,500 adult nappies each year, multiplied by millions of wearers across the country, billions of adult nappies are added to our trash heaps every year. As such, these disposable nappies are now the third largest consumer item in United States landfills, making up 17.5 million tons of garbage and 7 percent of all of the nation’s landfill waste. This number is staggering, especially when compared to infant diapers, which make up only 2 percent of landfills.
The issue is complicated further for many as adult diapers are sometimes labeled biodegradable. Yet, not even biodegradable nappies break down in a landfill according to the California Integrated Waste Management Board. It can actually take up to 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose. Not only that, research from Natural-Environment.com showed that more than 82,000 tons of plastic and 250,000 trees are used to make disposable nappies each year.
It can’t be disputed: adult nappies are bad for the environment.
So, in spite of attempts to keep the topic under wraps, now is the time to learn and share the facts about eco-friendly alternatives like incontinence panties such as PJ undies. An option unknown by so many which is really quite simple: real underwear made especially for those with light, moderate or heavy urinary incontinence.
PJ Undies are comfortable, reusable, environmentally friendly and made of hemp fleece which are not only soft, and stretchy enough to mould to contours but can also absorb and contain up to 3x their weight in liquid.
PJ Undies are not only a product of excellent quality but they are also comfortable, breathable, highly absorbent and give back independence and freedom to anyone who needs peace of mind.
This specially designed incontinence underwear are easy-care, machine washable and last as long as a traditional pair of underwear, a week’s worth of PJ Undies contribute zero waste over the course of a year. Compared to adult nappies, that’s billions saved from the landfill.
Best of all PJ Undies also eliminates the discomfort and loss of dignity that can come with adult nappies. They give back independence and freedom to people who have had to stop being active or going out due to the embarrassing nature of their condition. The men’s briefs and women’s panties look and feel just like traditional underwear. There are even stylish solutions like women’s lace panties or shapewear that helps smooth a woman’s midsection. PJ Undies products are also less expensive when compared to the cost of adult nappies.
A product such as PJ Undies not only gives back to people their independence, freedom and quality of life but these panties are better for your wallet, better for the earth, better for your wardrobe and better for the ones we care about and love. Now, those we love don’t even need to think about the consistent noise of a diaper crinkling, the rough feel on skin, or the frequent trips to the store for disposable nappies anymore.